Updates from Sheridan Democrats


    We are excited to be participating in the “March on for Voting Rights!” On August 28, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King led 250,000 people on a historic March On Washington. There, in front of the Lincoln Memorial, he delivered his famous…

  • Dems Round-Up!

    Dems Round-Up!

    A time to time to Congregate, Communicate and Celebrate with Dems and friends at  the recently restored Kearney Hall, on Piney Creek just North of Lake DeSmet. 4:00-4:45 – Check In, Meet and Greet, Info tables and Games5:00 – 5:30 –Supper/potluck 5:30-7:30…

  • Adopt A Highway

    The Sheridan County Democrats have adopted highway 331 (Big Goose Highway), mile markers 3-5. Our first clean-up day is scheduled for June 12th at 8:30 am. Meet in the NSI parking lot. (We have permission.) Garbage bags and vests will be…