Here For Good

sheridan county dems logo

We meet at 6:00 pm on the second Tuesday of every month. We meet at the HUB, 211 Smith Sheridan WY.   Enter through the rear door. Zoom links are available contact us at

Lets Win This

Click links below to;

Meet Vice President Kamala Harris

Meet Governor Tim Walz

The Wyoming primary is done, DNC wrapped up, general election to go. In the meantime, still feeling the fire?!  The WDP says helping Jon Tester win CANNOT WAIT!  Their message is that it is the MOST important swing state and they are asking you to please consider getting involved, making a donation, any time or amount, for Jon Tester.  Erin O’Doherty, WDP Data Director, is organizing to go to Billings to help 307-399-1309.  I’m going to volunteer to phone bank! “Do something” as Michelle Obama asked us to do.  Donation links below for Tester and the really beautiful photos our fellow SCP Dems shared! Inspiring! 

Go Harris/Walz! Let’s DO THIS!!  Keep the faith, Becky Sheridan County Democrats Acting Chairman

Donation links –

Montanans for Jon Tester

Jon Tester — Donate via ActBlue

Wyoming & DNC news!!  Feel the joy!  

Wyoming Delegation Roll Call |

Red-state liberals bask in a sea of blue at Democratic National Convention – WyoFile

Sheridan County delegates Allyson and Jason really tried to capture & share the feeling of being at the DNC last week so that we too can feel the energy & joy. We are looking forward to the debrief at our meeting in September.  All the good love and energy!  Thank you Allyson and Jason!!!!

Click on the button below to read the 2024 county platform.

Postings From Democrat Websites Around the State

Community Service

From helping to build houses to picking up trash along the highway to working for green spaces and bike paths and serving at Lunch Together, Sheridan County Democrats are here for good.

Of course, Sheridan County Democrats continue to support and stand with the efforts of groups, individuals and organizations that are dedicated to protecting reproductive rights in our state and across the nation.

But perhaps the most important thing we can do as a county party is to elect more Democrats who share our values, whether it’s protecting reproductive rights, ensuring public education is funded, fighting for access to quality health care, protecting our public lands and a whole host of other issues.

We need people in office at every level of government who can work towards putting progressive policies in place while pushing back against right wing extremists in their failed, and often dangerous, policy proposals and ideology.

“The Spirit that prevails among Men of all degrees, all ages and sexes is the Spirit of Liberty.”
—Abigail Adams, 1775

“A government of laws, and not of men.”
—John Adams

“Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people, who have a right … and a desire to know.”
—John Adams, 1765