Use one of these resources to find your federal or state representatives or to contact any Wyoming 66th Legislator representative.
Sheridan Local & Congressional Representatives
Statewide Legislative Roster
Wyoming 66th Wyoming Legislature
The Wyoming Legislature convened January 12th at noon, for a virtual one-day session. Governor Gordon delivered a message at 2:00 PM. A limited number of committee bills were introduced and referred to standing committees to work on the following week. The Legislature will reconvene on January 27th via Zoom for eight days to consider the worked committee bills. We will be monitoring these bills and update our members as applicable. Final rules and adjournment will happen the first week of February. See 2021 General Session Schedule
The WYOLEG website is key to tracking legislation and your legislators actions, making contact and accessing information.
For general questions about the General Session FAQ’s: More and information links here.
In a state heavily dominated by one party there are few checks and balances of legislative actions. Without careful scrutiny by all voters, legislators can be overly influenced by the money from special interests. Those interests maybe in conflict with the vast majority of citizens in the state of Wyoming. Pending bills and actions can be complex and difficult to understand. Titles of bills can be misleading. It is important voters have at least a basic understanding of how legislation may affect their lives and futures. The following links will help in that understanding.
Watch proceedings or view videos of Committee meetings here: Wyoming Legislature – YouTube
The Wyoming Legislature has an extensive website ( with much useful information. These links will connect you to a variety, but only a portion of valuable pieces of information to monitor Legislative actions.
Legislation proposed for the 2021 Session
News releases from the Wyoming Legislative Service Office
Wyoming Legislative School Finance
The links above represent a small portion of the information available on the site.
Check out this great resource to access tracking and bills by category – the spreadsheet Session Bill Tracker is updated at the end of the day:
You might visit LegiScan (Wyoming Legislature | 2021 | Regular Session | LegiScan) which maintains information on Wyoming legislative activities as well as other states.
Wyoming Education Association (WEA) website has a Legislative Updates page that “monitors closely any legislation regarding public education, child/young adult well-being and public sector employees. “The WEA Legislative Action Team works hard to provide a daily legislative update”. The site also contains press releases from the WEA that comment and/or encourage action on administrative and legislative actions that affect education, youth and public sector employees involved in education.
Powder River Basin Resource Council (PRBRC) website maintains a PRBRC Newsroom page with articles on not only the legislature but also public lands, coal, economic diversification, renewable energy, surface rights, taxes and many other subjects important to all citizens of the great state of Wyoming.
Equality State Policy Center (ESPC) website (ESPC Website) contains information that endeavors “to improve the lives of all Wyoming’s people through transparent government, fair elections, and thriving communities.” The site is full information on ways to make the executive and legislative branches of the Wyoming more responsive to the entire population of the state rather than just the rich and powerful.