Sheridan County Clerk & Recorder’s Office
Eda Schunk Thompson – County Clerk & Recorder
Brenda Kekich – Election Supervisor
Election Update from the Sheridan County Clerk and Recorder, Eda Schunk Thompson
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Greetings to the Wyoming Secretary of State, Sheridan County Commissioners, Sheridan County Party Chairs, State Party Chairs, the Public, and the Media,
On Wednesday, June 10, 2020, at 3:00 p.m. my office received an email from the Wyoming Secretary of State, clarifying previous directives and answering questions. In follow up to that memo, I have updates.
Absentee Requests
Absentee requests are coming into our office at a higher rate than in past years. We are working long days and weekends as needed to help manage the work load. As of today, June 11, 2020 at 8:15 a.m. we have processed 1,655 Absentee requests. We are still working on mail from Monday, June 8th.
Explanation of The Six (6) Consolidate Polling Places
The Sheridan County Commissioners divided Sheridan County into not more than thirty (30) Election Districts and adopted eighteen (18) Polling Places and one (1) Absentee Polling Place per Resolution 20-04-015 on April 21, 2020. Per W.S. 22-7-101 our statutory deadline was the first meeting in May, which was May 5, 2020. Certified copies of Resolution 20-04-015 were sent to Party Chairs and the Wyoming Secretary of State’s Office on April 21, 2020. The initial directives from the Wyoming Secretary of State were sent by email on Friday, May 1, 2020 at 6:22 p.m. On Monday, May 4, 2020, the Sheridan County Clerk & Recorder’s Office became aware of the directives. With clarification from the Wyoming Secretary of State’s Office on how to interpret the directives and that we did not need to notify commissioners or the party chairs, the County Clerk consolidated eighteen (18) polling places previously adopted in Resolution 20-04-015 down to six (6) polling places that were previously adopted in Resolution 20-04-015. No new polling locations were introduced.
Seventh (7th) Polling Location Established and Seven (7) Requested Variances Additional Polling Places
~ With the additional clarification from the Wyoming Secretary of State’s Office on June 10, 2020 ~
With the state opening up more and more; with the additional clarification of the directive to Consolidate Polling Places and that we may still consider adding polling locations and requesting variances; with the additional clarification of the directive on the strictness of PPE for poll workers and that we may now meet the “spirit of the directive;” with the additional clarification of the directive to offer Curbside Voting to voters with disabilities and if curbside voting is not a reasonable option, that other options per Election Rules exist and can be offered; ……the following changes in polling locations provide sufficient space to accommodate social distancing and we will have enough poll workers willing to work.
Effective June 11, 2020, the seventh (7th) polling location established
Water Products District/Precinct 4-2 1831 S. Sheridan Ave.
Requested here, today June 11, 2020 – Seven (7) requested variances for additional polling locations
Beckton School House Building District/Precinct 7-1 4 Beckton Rd.
Story Women’s Club District/Precinct 8-1 28 North Piney Rd.
Clearmont Fire Hall (Arvada) District/Precinct 9-1 124 Main St., Arvada, WY
Clearmont Town Hall District/Precinct 10-1 Clearmont
Wyarno Fire Hall District/Precinct 16-1 663 Wyarno Rd.
Prairie Dog Community Center District/Precinct 19-1 Meade Ck Rd/Hwy 14
Dayton Town Hall District/Precinct 20-1/20-2 Dayton
NOTE: If all requested variances are granted by the Wyoming Secretary of State, the proposed polling locations are attached in draft format. See attached.
In light of COVID-19, we are taking every step to help you “vote safely” this election season. The Wyoming Secretary of State’s Office and all 23 Wyoming County Clerks are working together on the “VOTE SAFELY WYOMING” Campaign.
I want to assure you that nothing is more important to this Office and all 23 County Clerks than conducting elections securely, safely and with the utmost of integrity. Wyoming voters are encouraged to select the voting option that allows them to participate in the upcoming elections in the manner in which they choose.
Nothing has changed in this election cycle. There is unfortunately misunderstandings and misinformation circulating as it relates to the upcoming elections. Let me reassure you that Wyoming cannot deliver a mail-in ballot election – in the sense that all registered voters are mailed a ballot – without an amendment to our State Constitution which requires a super majority of votes of all Wyoming voters in a General Election.
Wyoming has and will continue to conduct elections under our Constitutional and traditional polling place method which allows for “no excuse” absentee voting. As in years past as well as in this election season, any registered voter may request that an absentee ballot be sent to them, whether they can or cannot vote in-person. Before a ballot can be sent, the voter must provide all the statutorily required information to their county clerk. After the county clerk verifies the information for accuracy, then the request is accepted and the voter is marked eligible to receive an absentee ballot by mail. The voter must initiate the request in every election year, they cannot automatically receive an absentee ballot.
Voters that choose to vote in-person will have access to a polling place that will have sufficient space to accommodate social distancing. Poll workers will be equipped with all the necessary Personal Protection Equipment as recommended by the CDC, as well as hand sanitizer for voters and appropriate signage to help voters vote safely at the polls.
Wyoming voters are encouraged to choose the option that allows them to participate in the manner in which they choose during this pandemic.
We are honored to serve the citizens of Sheridan County and the public and strive to do so with Excellence, Skill, and Trust.
Sheridan County Clerk and Recorder, Eda Schunk Thompson
Per the Wyoming Secretary of State’s Directive No. 2020-03, for the sake of public health and safety, | |
and with the additional clarification from the Wyoming Secretary of State’s Office on June 10, 2020- | |
the Polling Locations for the upcoming 2020 Primary Election are as follows if approved. | |
Dist/Prec | Polling Location – 9 S. Connor Street, Sheridan WY |
1-1 | Holy Name Church (Ed Hammers, Inc) |
3-2 | Holy Name Church (County Courthouse) |
3-3 | Holy Name Church |
4-3 | Holy Name Church |
4-4 | Holy Name Church |
Dist/Prec | Polling Location – 1753 Victoria Street, Sheridan WY |
2-1 | Exhibit Hall |
2-2 | Exhibit Hall |
2-3 | Exhibit Hall |
2-4 | Exhibit Hall |
2-5 | Exhibit Hall |
5-1 | Exhibit Hall (Tourist Information Center) |
13-1 | Exhibit Hall |
Dist/Prec | Polling Location – 1660 Big Horn Ave, Sheridan WY |
3-4 | Calvary Baptist Church (The Rock Church) |
3-5 | Calvary Baptist Church |
Dist/Prec | Polling Location- 1831 S. Sheridan Ave, Sheridan WY |
4-2 | Water Products, Inc. |
Dist/Prec | Polling Location – 5135 Coffeen Ave, Sheridan WY |
6-1 | Bethesda Worship Center |
11-1 | Bethesda Worship Center |
Dist/Prec | Polling Location – 4 Beckton Rd, Sheridan WY |
7-1 | Beckton School House Building |
Dist/Prec | Polling Location – 28 North Piney, Story WY |
8-1 | Story Women’s Club |
Dist/Prec | Polling Location – 124 Main Street, Arvada WY |
9-1 | Clearmont Fire Hall (Arvada) |
Dist/Prec | Polling Location – Clearmont, WY |
10-1 | Clearmont Town Hall |
Dist/Prec | Polling Location – 314 S. 2nd Street, Big Horn WY |
12-1 | Big Horn Women’s Club |
Dist/Prec | Polling Location – 663 Wyarno Rd, Sheridan WY |
16-1 | Wyarno Fire Hall |
Dist/Prec | Polling Location – 145 Coffeen Street, Ranchester WY |
17-1 | Ranchester Town Hall |
17-2 | Ranchester Town Hall |
18-1 | Ranchester Town Hall |
Dist/Prec | Polling Location – Meade Creek Rd/Hwy 14, Sheridan WY |
19-1 | Prairie Dog Women’s Club |
Dist/Prec | Polling Location – Dayton WY |
20-1 | Dayton Town Hall |
20-2 | Dayton Town Hall |