Joe Biden’s First Presidential decision is picking Kamala Harris as his running mate.
There is no doubt Kamala Harris could take over as President at any time if needed:
- She represents the largest state in the country in the United States Senate
- .She serves on the Intelligence and Judiciary Committees – critical committees given the threats we’re facing around the world and at home.
- She ran one of the largest legal operations in the world as Attorney General of California.
- She’s run for President.
She’s ready on Day One
- She shares Joe Biden’s view of standing up for the backbone of this country – the truly essential people.
- As Attorney General, she beat the big banks and cracked down on mortgage fraud.
- She took on the ban on gay marriage and helped change the law.
- She fought big oil to protect the environment
- She’s faced down the gun lobby
- Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are ready to take on the big fights ahead if they win, and she’s already shown the courage and success to win big fights.
She knows how to ask the hard questions and get answers, whether it is going toe to toe with Jeff Sessions or Brett Kavanaugh in Senate hearings, or holding the Administration’s feet to the fire over racial justice.
- She’s the right person to take on Donald Trump and Mike Pence on the campaign trail
- .As Vice President, she’ll be in the Situation Room and the Cabinet room, asking the hard questions about what’s broken in our government and our country, and helping Joe Biden get the answers.
Read Kamala’s Bio, Record of Results for Working Families and Partnership with Joe by clicking the link below.
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