x-A Great Partner for Joe and a Great Vice President for Us

Kamala’s Bio:

• The first Black woman to represent California in the United States Senate, Kamala Harris grew up believing in the promise of America and fighting to make sure that promise is fulfilled for all Americans.

• Kamala was the first Black woman to be elected California Attorney General, overseeing the country’s second largest Justice Department, only behind the U.S. Department of Justice. As AG, she managed a $735 million budget and oversaw more than 4,800 attorneys and other employees. Kamala fought for families and won a $20 billion settlement for California homeowners against big banks that were unfairly foreclosing on homes. And, she worked to protect Obamacare, helped win marriage equality for all, defended California’s landmark climate change law, and won a $1.1 billion settlement against a for-profit education company that scammed students and veterans.

• Since being elected to the U.S. Senate in 2016, Kamala has introduced and co-sponsored legislation to help the middle class, increase the minimum wage to $15, reform cash bail, and defend the legal rights of refugees and immigrants. Kamala serves on the Senator Judiciary Committee, where she holds Trump administration officials accountable and is a powerful voice against Trump’s conservative judicial nominations. And, Kamala serves on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence that deals with the nation’s most sensitive national security and international threats.

Kamala’s Partnership with Joe Biden:

• Kamala Harris served as California’s Attorney General at the same time as Joe Biden’s son, Beau, was serving as Attorney General for Delaware. The two grew close while fighting to take on the banking industry. Through her friendship with Beau, she got to know Joe Biden.

• And, from hearing about Kamala from Beau, to seeing her fight for others directly, Joe has long been impressed by how tough Kamala is.

• Particularly on the Senate Judiciary Committee – which Joe used to lead – Kamala has distinguished herself as a fighter on behalf of the American people, on issues ranging from corruption, women’s rights and election interference.

• Kamala doesn’t hesitate to take on powerful people and powerful interests, and that’s exactly the kind of leader Joe wants by his side to rebuild this country and restore the soul of the nation.

Kamala’s Record of Results for Working Families:

• Kamala has been a leader highlighting the disproportionate impact of COVID on communities of color – and introduced legislation to address these disparities. Kamala’s legislation would establish a team of policy experts, regional leaders, and federal officials to develop policy and funding prescriptions based on demographic data to combat issues facing minority and underserved communities.

• Kamala took on the big banks on behalf of California homeowners and won a $20 billion settlement, the largest settlement of any attorney general in America.

• As District Attorney of San Francisco, she prosecuted companies that stole worker wages and put worker safety at risk. As Attorney General, she fought for California’s public employee unions. And as Senator, she stood against the harmful Janus decision.

• Kamala, as San Francisco DA, championed a leading re-entry program to direct young people arrested for drug crimes into training and counseling programs instead of jail.

• Kamala’s Department of Justice was the first statewide agency to mandate a body camera program, launched implicit bias and procedural justice trainings, and created a public database, including data on deaths in police custody and arrest rates.

• As Attorney General, Kamala obtained a $1.1 billion judgement against for-profit Corinthian Colleges for predatory practices that saddled students with debt and useless degrees.

• As California Attorney General, Kamala took on big oil companies and went to court to defend the Obama-Biden Clean Power Plan and New Source Standards.

• As California Attorney General, Kamala sued corporations like Chevron and BP for damaging the environment, and won. And, she sued corporations for their role in exposing Californians to excessive levels of diesel.
• While Attorney General, she ensured unaccompanied minors seeking refuge in the U.S. had access to pro-bono counsel.