Letter to Editor-Time to Kick Clowns Out of the Car

As revealed by your “click bait” dire headline, you — like the Freedom Caucus MAGA hat fools — have failed to do your homework.

If failing to select a candidate from the list provided was de rigueur malfeasance, then why is there a provision in the law to turn the selection process over to the court? Perhaps the question that is more to the point, is why did Judge Phillips saddle the four existing commissioners with someone they did not feel they could work with? A judge in Campbell County found a way to do it.

At what point are the adults in the Republican party going to realize that turning their party over to the likes of Bouchard, Eathorne, Gray and, yes, Jennings was a really bad idea? It’s time to kick the clowns out of the car.

Ray Olson

February 10, 2024



