Sheridan Community Cleanup: Sat, May 7, 9:00am – 11:30am
We are excited to join thecity again for their annual clean up day, May 7th. Last year, Sheridan Dems contributed 50 hours of community service and 15 bags of trash!
If you would like to be a part of this clean-up day with Sheridan County Democrats, please email: Martha Wright mjw1096@msn.com Last year the city was so impressed with how many Dems showed up to help!
Adopt A Highway: Sat, May 21, 9am – 11am (time may change)
The next Sheridan County Democrats Adopt A Highway clean up day is Saturday, May 21st, 2022. We have adopted WY Highway 331, miles 3-5.
Meeting location to be determined. Look for updates here. Bring water, sturdy shoes, and long pants. Garbage bags and vests will be provided. Any questions can be directed to Bob Ahrens at bahrens50@gmail.com. We would like to have an idea on the number of participants. If you can help, please respond to Bob’s email address.
You should email Martha (Community Cleanup) or Bob (Adopt A Highway) to get more information and updates.