Webinar Recording Posted- 2/16/22 Investing in SOLAR Energy for your home, farm and business

Did you miss this or want to review some of the awesome information, you may view the recording here: https://youtu.be/azkMYkxIxfw


The second in a series of Solar Energy webinars will focus on affordability, financing, and funding of photo voltaic (solar) electricity generation systems for residential, farm and business use on Wednesday, February 16 at 6:00 PM (MST).

“More and more Wyomingites are utilizing solar energy   to reduce their utility bills, become more independent and to fight climate change locally.   If a site is a good fit for a solar system and equipment and installation costs can be   financed, using solar is a great option  ,” according to Hesid Brandow, Wyoming Solar Energy Association Secretary.

The    webinar will cover options for investing in solar electricity systems in Wyoming.   Topics include how to determine return-on-investment for properly sized systems, financing, and funding sources for urban and rural customers.   Hear from professional electricians with the Wyoming Solar Energy   Association, bankers and government agencies who can help make solar installation a reality for your home, small business and agricultural operations.  Solar Promoters from neighboring states will also speak about how embracing Solar electric generation has positively benefited their communities. 

Experts will be available to answer your solar energy questions.  The one hour and fifteen minute ZOOM webinar is presented by the Sheridan County Democratic Party in partnership with the Wyoming Solar Energy Association. Everyone interested in learning more is encouraged   to join the webinar. Please bring your solar questions.

To register for the webinar, go to:  https://wysolarenergy220216.eventbrite.com 

For more information, please go to www.sheridancountydemocrats.com or contact

Hesid Brandow, 307-217-9348, hesidb@gmail.com



