*Thanks to PRBRC and WY Outdoor Council for content
We are following up on our alert from last week on one of our highest priority bills of the session. We shared last week that Senate File 16-New Net Metering Systems was assigned to the House Corporations Committee and would likely be heard this Friday. Unfortunately, the Committee Chairman announced today that Senate File 16 will be added to Wednesday’s agenda, and if time permits, public testimony will start then and likely carry over to a hearing on Friday.
The House Corporations Committee will meet this coming Wednesday and Friday at the noon recess from sometime after 12:00pm to 2:00pm. Please consider being ready to testify via Zoom on both Wednesday (if time permits) and Friday! We will follow up with the sign-up link when available. Your testimony is our best bet in slowing down this bill, and this is the last chance for citizens to speak directly to a committee on this bill. Testifying by Zoom is easy, and we will help you through the process! If you can’t make it to the meeting(s), please call/write the committee members to ask them to oppose Senate File 16.
Here are the emails and phone numbers for the committee members. Remember legislators are getting a lot of email, and it might be best to give them a call right now, you can also express your opposition using the hotline below:
Chairman Dan Zwonitzer dan.zwonitzer@wyoleg.gov (307) 214-7826
Representative Jim Blackburn Jim.Blackburn@wyoleg.gov (307) 514-4318
Representative Aaron Clausen Aaron.Clausen@wyoleg.gov (307) 351-3664
Representative Andi Clifford Andrea.Clifford@wyoleg.gov (307) 840-4327
Representative Shelly Duncan Shelly.Duncan@wyoleg.gov (307) 575-2894
Representative Danny Eyre Danny.Eyre@wyoleg.gov (307) 782-6376
Representative Hans Hunt hans.hunt@wyoleg.gov (307) 746-8899
Representative Joe MacGuire Joe.MacGuire@wyoleg.gov (307) 333-3653
Representative Jim Roscoe Jim.Roscoe@wyoleg.gov (307) 730-5389
You can also email to the whole committee by copying and pasting below:
dan.zwonitzer@wyoleg.gov, Jim.Blackburn@wyoleg.gov, Aaron.Clausen@wyoleg.gov, Andrea.Clifford@wyoleg.gov, Shelly.Duncan@wyoleg.gov, Danny.Eyre@wyoleg.gov, hans.hunt@wyoleg.gov, Joe.MacGuire@wyoleg.gov, Jim.Roscoe@wyoleg.gov
Legislators can also be contacted through the hotline 866-996-8683 which is available 8-5 M-F.
Oppose! Senate File 16 – New Net Metering Systems was assigned to committee on Friday and will probably be heard in the House Corporations Committee a week from today, on Friday, March 26 over the noon recess, so please mark your calendars and get ready to help us kill this bill. Stay on the lookout for an action alert from us when we know more. SF16 seeks to overhaul Wyoming’s laws for rooftop solar and backyard wind (customer-generated systems) by repealing the current laws for net-metering. The bill takes net-metering out of statute and instead requires the Public Service Commission to determine the terms, conditions, and rates associated with net-metered renewable energy systems. Both current and prospective net-metering customers face uncertainty on whether they will be able to get a return on their system investment.
Thanks for your engagement